Imagine Being Able To Say Goodbye To Neck And Shoulder Pain...

"The best way to restore cervical alignment anywhere, hands down."
- Dr. Gary Santora, NSW

Imagine Being Able To Say Goodbye To Neck And Shoulder Pain...

"The best way to restore cervical alignment anywhere, hands down."
- Dr. Gary Santora, NSW

What our users have to say about the Cervipedic Neck Relief™

Do you suffer from muscle fatigue, neck and shoulder stiffness, neck spasms and/or tension headaches? 

If you’ve had:
  • Joint and muscle stiffness 
  • ​Tension headaches 
  • A soft tissue injury 
  • ​Whiplash 
  • Cervical osteoarthritis (spondylosis) 
  • ​Pinched nerves 
  • Bulging or herniated discs 
  • ​Degenerative disc disease 
  • Cervical surgery 
  • ​A forward head posture 
  • A loss of your cervical curve
  • ​Or any combination of the above...
... then you’ll know what it feels like to struggle with daily pain and discomfort.
Neck, head and shoulder pain is exacerbated by a lack of neck support and having little or no curvature in your neck.

A naturally shaped cervical spine will open up the structures in your neck, taking the pressure off the neck joints and muscles resulting in a reduction in pain. Would you believe it can even support better circulation and breathing?

So how do you reduce your head, neck and shoulder pain without spending hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on treatment and medication? 

The answer is simple!


CerviPedic Neck-Relief™

 Make sure your volume is turned up and click play to hear more about CerviPedic Neck-Relief™!

A single, simple, and affordable solution you can use at home or on the go.

Use it to relieve your pain and tension by promoting the natural spinal curve. 
Yes, it’s really that simple!

"I have a family history of osteoporosis, and suffer from chronic neck pain. I went on a long road trip with a friend, and she recommended that I try this pillow while traveling in the car. I was instantly impressed with the comfort and pain relief that I felt. I bought one, and use it religiously a few times throughout the day." Linda B – 55 yr old female, Port Adelaide SA

The CerviPedic is recommended by doctors for cervical support. It helps you maintain the natural position of your head and neck - effectively relieving the pain and tension that can build up in the muscles and joints of the upper spine. The CerviPedic delivers relief from pain and tension by:
  • Reducing muscle and joint tension, helping the body to relax
  • ​Reinforcing proper cervical curvature
  • Allowing better circulation and breathing
  • ​Helping to relieve or reduce pain
  • Aligning and gently stretching the neck creating optimal spacing in the intervertebral discs in the neck.
Now you can skip the exercises! 

The CerviPedic is very easy to use. You simply lie on it or use it while sitting!
 Click play to learn how to use the CerviPedic lying down.
 Click play to learn how to use the CerviPedic sitting up.

Better yet, the CerviPedic can be adjusted to suit your individual needs!

That’s right! The contoured shape of the CerviPedic is designed to align and gently stretch your neck. Plus, it’s easy to adjust. Use it in therapeutic mode to slowly increase the stretch and curve of your spine or use it in gentle mode if you’re simply looking for comfort while keeping your head and neck aligned.
 Click play to learn about the CerviPedic gentle mode!

"My patients love the Cervipedic Neck support - it has replaced neck rolls, the Petition Block, and the Contour Pillow for several patients. They like that it is adjustable and fits around the head so it discourages turning on to their side to sleep. Thanks much!" - Dr Dennis Dilday, VIC 

‘Is it just for home use?’ you ask... 
No! You can love your neck at home or on the go with the CerviPedic!

The compact and easy to use CerviPedic can be used anywhere! Use it lying down in bed or sitting in a recliner in front of the TV at home, as a passenger in a car, on a train, or even when flying. 

Simply take it with you and place it behind your neck to help you relax. The pillow will make sure you have the best posture while reclining and will stop your head from rolling around or dropping forward if you fall asleep.

Feel the Relief in AS LITTLE AS 15 MINUTES!

Yes, it’s true! 
Customers report that using the CerviPedic for as little as 15 minutes a day can significantly improve their posture and ease their tight and tired muscles to dramatically reduce their pain. Many even use it at night to help them sleep better.

Discover what users are already saying:

"After the cervical fusion of C3,4,5, I suffered severe and continuous pain with no relief in sight. My brother sent me his Cervipedic Neck-Relief™ pillow and as soon as I laid on it I had neck pain relief. It supported my head and neck. I was then able to rest and sleep only on the pillow without pain. After my experience, I think every spine surgeon should offer this device to their patients after surgery."
- James S - 45 yr old male, Dulwich Hill NSW
"I have Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which is a connective tissue disorder. Since my ligaments are loose and wobbly, my muscles must compensate by trying to hold my body together. That leads to nasty pain and muscle spasms. My neck is particularly painful. That said, I LOVE the CerviPedic! I use it throughout the day and it gives me much-needed relief!"
- Kristen W – 62 yr old female, Burswood WA
"I work on a computer all day, and have degenerated discs in my neck. My doctor introduced me to this new product that he thought might help me... after trying it for only a few minutes in the office, I knew I had to have it. My first impression was that I immediate felt “zero gravity” in my neck. That same night, I intended to rest my neck for 15-20 minutes, but 4 hours later, I woke up and my neck felt incredible! I actually use this pillow at bedtime every night. I’m able to fall asleep pain free and wake up feeling great. I take it everywhere with me when traveling. I’ve even purchased several more as gifts, after some of my family and friends tried it out!"
- Sarah O’Neill - 56 yr old female, Surfers Paradise QLD
"I’m retired and spend a lot of time on the road and away from home. I’ve always had trouble finding a pillow that felt right, and seem to have an on-going “kink” in my neck. When visiting my daughter, she recommended that I try a new neck pillow she’s been using. I was surprised at how great it felt within the first few seconds! I got one and use it several times throughout the day, and also when I first lay down to sleep. It relieves the stress and pain on my neck, and the relief last for several hours. I don’t know how I lived without it for this long!"
- Frank Clayton – 81 yr old male, Bundaberg QLD
"I’ve been suffering with severe pain and stiffness. I‘ve only used it a few times and the pain is considerably better. I highly recommend it."
- Joanne Garcia – 49 yr old female, Glenelg SA
"I’ve had a small business for the past 30 years, and often work long stressful hours. I don’t usually take the time for chiropractic care or massage therapy, although I often experience back and neck pain. A friend had me try out a new pillow she was using for her neck, and I was immediately surprised at how good my neck felt! I bought one and use it in the evenings when I’m unwinding and watching the news. What a blessing!"
- Steve Panagotacis – 50 yr old male, Parramatta NSW
"Under Dr. Costales, I still receive chiropractic adjustments and electronic stimulation but have also been introduced to a device (CerviPedic-Neck-Relief™) that helps me maintain a proper alignment of my cervical spine. Use of this device, and the performance of recommended neck exercises, has resulted in significant improvements in both the severity and duration of my neck pain and headaches. Another related outcome has been a significant increase in sleep time with a reduction in the use of my prescribed sleep aids."
- Adam Correa – 65 yr old male, Box Hill VIC
"FINALLY!!! A neck support unit that my patients will use. The Cervipedic Neck-Relief™ has been a great adjunct to my practice. With more and more people losing the natural cervical lordosis due to the computer age, I have finally found a solution to help patients be more compliant. Not only is it great for traction, but my patients who travel a lot are not kinking their necks on the plane anymore. The Cervipedic helps my patients hold my treatments longer which in turn creates happy patients, therefore more success for my office."
- Dr Eric Blum Chiropractor, QLD
"I can’t thank you enough for making the perfect form to help patients recover from their maladies. Whenever I place the pillow under the patient’s neck for the very first time. Almost without exception they exclaim “WOW” and ask to buy it immediately. Finally, the answer to home therapy for the patient recovering from spinal injury or spinal surgery. The best way to restore cervical alignment anywhere, hands down. A simple tool that can do so much as it cradles the head and neck back to functional alignment."
- Dr. Gary Santora, NSW
"The CerviPedic Neck-Relief™ Support has been a 'Game Changer for My Practice'. We all have patients with neck pain and discomfort and they are always asking “What Can I Do At Home to help with my neck pain?” Until now, they weren’t very compliant on doing the stretches or lying on a rolled towel at home... it was too much work! The CerviPedic is so easy for them to use. All they have to do is lay on it for minutes each day. My patients love the support because it helps them feel better and is so easy to use. We love the CerviPedic, because it helps support our
Chiropractic adjustments at home! Thank you CerviPedic you make it so easy for us all."
- Dr Brian Prieto, QLD
 Just look at the difference in these spine images!

Patients and doctors alike have found that the CerviPedic offers relief for people who have:

  • Lost their cervical curve
  • ​A forward head posture
  • Bulging or herniated discs
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Had cervical surgery
  • ​Muscle and joint stiffness
  • Tension headaches 
  • ​Been in an accident 
  • Pinched nerves.
  • ​Or any combination of the above!
 The CerviPedic Neck-Relief™:
 The CerviPedic Neck-Relief™
  • Massive 35% off your purchase
  • ​A custom-sized pillowcase 
  • ​FREE EXPRESS SHIPPING in Australia and New Zealand

That’s right...

the CerviPedic Neck-Relief™ 
normally sells for $200

but for our Christmas Sale, we are offering it for

ONLY $149

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